How To Start
We start the game at level 1 in dp and it's best to start with 2 tasks, the wolf task and the bandit task. We start with the wolf task and leave dp. We have a grate to the channels where the wolf and dino are located. By the way, we waste ki (mana) with the "power down" spell
On the server, we have the auto loot feature. In the top right corner of the screen, there's an icon of Puar. Click on it and search for "werewolf fur". We will need 10 pieces for the mission Verte
After killing 15 wolf, we go to dp+1 where we can defeat the animal boss as a reward.
The animal boss is strong, so before entering, set the healing spell "power up" and the attack spell "ki blast
We enter the room and fight with the big dinosaur. After defeating it, we must return to the same place and click on the box with the word refund
For defeating the boss, we will receive a bit of experience and 5 dollars which are in our "depo" box."
With the first earned dollars, we can buy a Ki Band from NPC Others, which regenerates 500 Ki per sec.
We write to NPC "hi, trade" and search for the Ki Band
Then we go down and right from the DP to complete the second task, this time the Bandit Task, we have to defeat 30 bandits
From level 30, we will receive a new attacking spell, so it's worth checking by typing !spells or on the website and a new healing spell "Mega Power Up
At level 50, we can transform our character with the command "transform". Additionally, we receive a spell for PvP wave
After killing 30 bandits, we return to DP +1 to fight the Big Bandit boss of the bandits. After killing the boss, we collect the reward from the refund chest
By the way, if we collected 10 werewolf furs, we can turn them in to Verte by writing "hi, mission, yes, mission, yes". The next mission is quite simple so we can do it quickly, head down right from the DP to kill the Thief and drop the Thief Hammer
Additionally, on the server, we have an essence system. After killing a monster, a blue or golden question mark may appear. Just stand on it and wait for 2 seconds to receive exp from the yellow one and stamina from the blue one
After obtaining the Thief Hammer, we return to Verte and write "hi, mission, yes". The next mission is to obtain 10 Saibamen's Hearts, we will do it later. In the meantime, we go down one floor and head to the machine located down-right from the stairs in the DP
We mark the planet Namek and click "go!"
Next, we descend from the buildings and pick up a mission from an NPC "Argeo". Our goal is to obtain 20 Dirty Green Papers from Namekjins. We then descend one more floor and head towards the canals
We add Alchemy Box, Dollar, Dirty Green Paper, and Ki Potion to the autoloot.
At level 100 we get the spell area which requires 40 ki level, that's why we used "power down"
After kill 30 Namekians, we can return and defeat the boss
If we've already obtained 20 Dirty Green Papers, we return to NPC Argeo, type "Hi, yeah, papers". In return, we'll receive experience and weak lucky coins
Next, we go to the NPC 'Others', type "hi, trade", and search for the Black Capsule. We will need 5 of them because there will already be a lot of drops here
Now we can go to a new island 'Shamosei'. There, we'll find missions from NPC "Coora" as well as tasks related to Freezers and Coolers
On Shamosei, we need to collect 100 Freezer's Bloods for the mission from "Coora" and kill 50 Freezers and Coolers for the task. It's worth adding to the autoloot: Freezer's Blood, Battle Legs, Battle Boots, Battle Shirt, Crystal Sword, White Glove, Sun Ki, Green Ki, and Blaster.
At level 150, we have another transformation. Type the command "transform"
After defeating 50 Freezers, we can return to Earth for the boss. Along the way, we can sell the items we have collected to NPC "Armor", we can sell the Battle Armory. To NPC "Others", we can sell Freezer's Blood, I recommend leaving 135 for the Coora and Verte mission. At NPC "Weapon", we can sell the Blaster, Green Ki, Sun Ki, Crystal, and Big Swords
With the earned dollars, we can buy some health potions from NPC "Others". The Health potion heals 25% of our health
After delivering 100 Freezer's Bloods, we'll receive experience and robot legs as a reward. We'll also find the next mission on north-west Shamosei.
The next mission is more challenging because we need to gather 100 iron bars from Fury Machines. I would suggest going there at level 250, with an ample supply of health potions. Also, remember that you'll receive transformations at levels 250, 350, and 500.
On the left side, you'll find a bot that will make your gameplay a bit easier. Simply click the "Off" button to activate it. I'll try to help you with its settings. In the "Main" tab, there's an option called "Show PvE Editor". Click on it, then in the "Target Name" field, enter the name of our spell (target), set "Target Delay" to 1. In the "Area Name" field, enter the name of our spell (area), and set "Area Delay" to 0. Set the Radius to 10, and the minimum number of targets in the radius to 1. Now, let's move to the "HP Healing Spell" tab. Set "Mega Power Up" from 0% to 90%. Then drag the health potion there and set it from 0 to 65. We can also activate the "Haste Spell"
At level 350, we receive the Blue Paper and Broken Saiyan Boots. Be careful not to sell them because they are necessary to make the Saiyan Boots which will help us level up.
If we already have level 350, we return to DP +1 and have the Crafting Table. Right-click on it and select "Equipment", find the Saiyan Boots, and click "Craft
By the way, when we're already at the depot, we can do the daily arena. Remember to do it every day because interesting rewards are waiting for you.
We go to the Daily house, climb the stairs to the next floor, and then talk to the NPC Arener. We say "hi, arena" teleports us, giving us the choice between "Main" and "Daily". We choose "Daily"
When we have gathered 100 iron bars and turn them in, we will receive a reward in the form of a robot protector and experience. The next mission will be found on Zuna, so let's head there.
When we have collected 100 blue papers, we return to NPC 'Onion' and turn them in. Then, we can complete our first quest, which is located on Shamosei.
After completing the quest, we will receive 5 gold, 50 potions of power, and a Golden Dragon Flask (10% Exp for 30 minutes). The next task is on Namek, which is quite important because we will gain access to buying better potions, so let's go!
Our next mission is to obtain 100 green Namek leather from Mystic Nameks. We can find Mystic Nameks down to the left of NPC Tome
When we finish the mission with Tome, we can enter his house and go up one level. There we'll find an NPC "Potion Seller" who sells Potion of Power.
When we've purchased the potions, we can start SAGA where cool rewards await us. By typing !saga, an arrow will lead us to the respective saga.
When we finish the sagas, we can focus on the Verte mission, where we'll obtain a new spell called 'mystic area'. You'll find the necessary items for the mission on the website: Then, we head to Monars to continue the mission. The next task will be to obtain 100 platinum bars from Cell Perfect.
After handing over the platinum bars, we'll receive experience and robot boots as a reward. The next task is also located in Monars, inside Kid Buu's castle.
This time we'll need 200 gingerbread man from Kid Buu The reward from NPC Blue is experience and robot armor.
The next mission can be found on Dimetrion, where this time we'll need 300 small jadeite shards. We can obtain them from monsters such as Cabba on Shamosei, Robots on Dimetrion, Mystic Saiyans on Monars, Soldiers on Earth, or Magic Djinns on Namek. The reward for completing the mission is new spell "forgotten mystic area" and 5 Enchanted Gems, which are needed for crafting the enchanted robot set.
The last mission before rebirth can also be found on Dimetrion. NPC Filipe awaits you near Dr. Gero. This time, we need 500 Android coins from Androids and Tsufuls. The reward for completing the mission is a new spell called 'Impact Execution', 2x Golden Fairy Flasks (+15% Loot for 30 minutes), 4x Golden Flasks (+5% Exp for 15 minutes), and 1x gift card box
If you already have level 800, you must do the transformation quest. There is a guide on the website
When we reach level 1250, we can do a reborn. We have to collect 7 dragon balls on the earth. After reborn, the level resets but mana and health remain, and the damage is much higher. It also unlocks new transformations, spells and maps
Important Update Reminder
If you've previously installed our game client, please follow these steps before updating:
Navigate to the %appdata% directory on your computer.
Locate the folder named DBSF.
Delete the whole DBSF folder .
After completing these steps, you can proceed with updating the game to ensure a smooth experience.
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