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Doll Box
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Get one of 28 dolls with bonus 1-4 Ki Attack and change your color mystic chou maretsugeki
Ultra Doll Box
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get one of 6 special doll with skill attack speed/sword/glove/distance/cirtical/defense
Box of random Backpack
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get one of 6 special backpack with skill attack speed/sword/glove/distance/cirtical/defense
Random Talent Card
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get one of 6 talent card attack speed/melee/ki dmg/mana/health/dodge
Important Update Reminder
If you've previously installed our game client, please follow these steps before updating:
Navigate to the %appdata% directory on your computer.
Locate the folder named DBSF.
Delete the whole DBSF folder .
After completing these steps, you can proceed with updating the game to ensure a smooth experience.
Thank you!.